Amar Shaheed Baba Ajit Singh Jujhar Singh Memorial College, Bela, Ropar (Punjab), commonly known as ‘BELA COLLEGE’ is located in Backward, Bet and Rural area of Punjab, established in 1975 to commemorate the supreme martyrdom of Sahibzada Ajit Singh and Sahibzada Jujar Singh, elder sons of the Tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji, who was not only a great warrior but also a poet and philosopher. The college came into existence to pay tribute to Sahibzadas with honorifics as ‘Amar Shaheed Baba’ who sacrificed their lives in the battle of Chamkaur Sahib in 1704 for the cause of humanity, independence, righteousness and justice. Sahibzadas attained Shaheedi against tyranny and falsehood at their tender teen age. The foundation stone of the college was laid down by Giani Zail Singh Ji, Former President of India, and then Chief Minister of Punjab on 6 Feb 1975, with the efforts of MLA, S. Gurbachan Singh. The antiquity of the college is very inimitable. This historic education institute is situated in village Bela which was founded by S. Hardial Singh of Singhpuria Misal, Chief of Manauli state. He adopted S. Umaro Singh and S. Umrao Singh’s daughter married to Raja of Zeend, Maharani Satinder Kaur donated the fort of Bela for noble deed for educational purpose which is working and growing profoundly with clear vision and mission till date.
The major goal of this college is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Inclusive education values diversity and the unique contributions each student brings to the classroom. In a truly inclusive setting, every student feels safe and has a sense of belonging. College and management along with teachers have the training, support, flexibility, and resources to nurture, encourage, and respond to the needs of all students. Our college is putting great emphasis on SC, OBC, minority, girls and First Generation Learners. Before establishment of this college, only two girls moved for higher education from this Bet area and now approximately 506 girl students are studying in academic year 2019-2020.Institute is a boon for First generation Learners in Chamkaur Sahib Constituency. Institute is a temple of knowledge especially for Disadvantaged section, such as SC, OBC, GIRLS, First Generation Learners, Minority and rural students. College has contributed immensely in Nation development which has been summarized in a book available on amazon etc. Therefore we can confirmly portray the performance of Institute in Practice ‘Equitable and inclusive Quality Education.’ To its priority and thrust area, which is a national agenda of new education policy also.
Here data is presented to showcase the above practice:
- Catering to rural youth: Data has been presented of last five years to showcase no. of rural students versus total no. of students, enrolled for higher education in this institute.

- Catering to Minority Students: Since college is located in backward area, a number of students enrolled in this institute are from minority community, Data has been presented of last five years.

- Catering to Girls Education: Institute is a boon for Girls education. This area is flood prone area, which is surrounded by Siswan Canal (Siswan Nadi), Budhki Canal (Budhki Nadi), Sirhind Canal and Satluj River on its spheres . Transportation facility was not satisfactory to get Higher Education in nearby cities. Therefore, institute emerged as place of worship to provide higher education to Girl child. Hereby data of last five years is presented to showcase the results alongwith enrolment in Post Graduate classes.

- Catering to first Generation Learners: Due to rural, backward, bet, flood prone area, a lot of first Generation learners come for Higher education in this institute. Here data has been presented for academic year 2019-2020.

To make inclusive education feasible ,number of initiatives have been taken by our college, some of which are outlined below.
- MOODLE is the platform designed to provide educators with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalised learning environments. It is beneficial for both teachers and learners.
- EQUAL OPPRTUNITY CELL has been established in college to provide equal opportunities to girls as compare to boys.
- REMEDIAL CLASSES Different departments conduct remedial classes and provide course notes for students especially the slow learners and those students who are at the verge of dropping out due to arrear subjects.
- MENTOR-MENTEE PROGRAM-Mentoring system is an integral part of an institution. It plays an indispensable role in bridging the gap between the mentor and learners. In this system, a set of students (mentee) are assigned to a faculty as mentor. The mentor monitors academic performance and interacts frequently to understand and assist the mentee with issues that affect their ability to learn or impede their academic success.
- INTERNAL COMPLAINT CELL-This cell is established to create secure physical and social environment for girls. Aiming at social and intellectual upliftment of the female students, the cell stands for facilitating women’s empowerment through guest lectures, seminars, awareness programmes on gender sensitivity, health and hygiene and other welfare activities.
- GRIEVANCE CELL- The institute has a Grievance Redressal cell to maintain a harmonious educational and democratic environment in the institute. The cell is also responsible to solve various personal grievances along with educational related grievances of teacher-trainees.
- ANTIRAGGING CELL- To make ragging free institute, Bela College’s Anti-Ragging Committee take timely initiative for the wellbeing of the students and make them aware against the ragging.In every new session the committee provide the guidelines to the students to make ragging free institution.
- SPOKEN TUTORIAL-The main objectiveof this project is to promote IT literacy for education and improve the employment potential of students using FOSS (free and open source software)
- SWAYAM ARPIT & NPTEL COURSES-These courses enables the students along with teachers to directly engage and learn from the best faculty in the country in that particular subject. This strengthens the fundamentals of the student in the course.
Above mentioned efforts are some initiatives to cater to needs of society. Institute is a non–profitable organization constructed on land donated by noble person, Maharani Satinder Kaur. Later on a number of eminent personalities contributed in their own way to spread light of knowledge in this area. This college is a role model college, and commonly called Bela College in Ropar district.
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