Equal Opportunity Cell

Equal opportunity Cell

Established in 1975, A.S.BA.S.J.S.M College wears the crown of being the oldest college of higher education in the area. Respecting the wide diversity of India and the uniqueness of the area, Bela College has taken the steps to provide equal opportunities to all irrespective of gender, ability, socio-economic background, caste, religion, language and any other inequalities. To achieve this goal, the college has established several cells like SC cell, OBC cell, minority cell, disability cell and women cell. These cells make and implement plethora of policies for the development of the target groups and make them able to contribute to the workplace, society and nation at their best. These cells perform a lot of activities by involving students, faculty and society to create awareness regarding the equal opportunities.

The overarching Aim of Equal opportunity Cell:

The basic aim of the equality cell is to ensure that students and faculty belonging to various diverse backgrounds of community, religion, region, gender or ability are not deprived of their basic opportunities. They all must have access to all the basic rights to promote inclusivity and harmony.

Objectives of Equal opportunity Cell:

  • Eliminate the discrimination or harassment.
  • Promote the equality among all.
  • To adopt and implement harmonized guidelines and space standards for barrier free built environment for all.
  • To identify the issues in the campus and to provide an enabling and non-discriminative environment for all.
  • To promote inclusive policies and practices for all on the campus.
  • To look into the grievances and ensure equality and equal opportunities to the disadvantaged group on campus through proper implementation of policies, skills, and programs of society.
  • To disseminate the information related to schemes, programs, notifications/memoranda, office orders of the Govt., related to welfare of target groups from time to time.
  • To promote diversity and inclusive practices on campus and provide the underprivileged groups with adequate opportunities.
  • Safeguard the interest of students without any prejudice to their caste, creed, religion, language, ethnicity, gender and disability.
  • To create an atmosphere of Equal Opportunity through awareness generation programmes.
  • To provide auxiliary support towards skill development and enhancing employability of students.
  • To expedite legal redressal in matters of violation of equal opportunity.